Detailed settlement report

Settlement ID Job ID Job Date Resource Name Job Price Salary Cash Collected
STN01269 270661 15 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 220.00 120.00 0.00
STN01269 272279 19 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 245.14 120.00 0.00
STN01269 272350 19 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 526.32 240.00 0.00
STN01269 272355 14 Jun 2021 Ranjod .Gary 332.18 175.00 0.00
STN01269 272866 19 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 322.50 150.00 0.00
STN01269 272863 19 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 1277.10 660.00 0.00
STN01269 272352 19 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 451.50 210.00 451.50
STN01269 272805 18 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 563.82 276.00 0.00
STN01269 272712 18 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 293.55 150.00 0.00
STN01269 272812 18 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 428.99 210.00 0.00
STN01269 272011 18 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 238.00 120.00 0.00
STN01269 272470 18 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 208.37 102.00 0.00
STN01269 272269 15 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 595.00 100.00
STN01269 272013 15 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 535.50 90.00
STN01269 270661 15 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 220.00 40.00
STN01269 269670 15 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 367.71 60.00
STN01269 271996 15 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 367.71 60.00
STN01269 267592 16 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 297.50 50.00
STN01269 271973 16 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 546.21 90.00
STN01269 272375 16 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 367.71 60.00
STN01269 271854 16 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 183.86 30.00
STN01269 269671 16 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 245.14 40.00
STN01269 272461 17 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 1285.20 240.00
STN01269 272407 17 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 428.99 70.00
STN01269 272800 17 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 416.50 70.00
STN01269 271997 18 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 374.85 70.00
STN01269 272196 18 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 535.50 90.00
STN01269 272276 18 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 183.86 30.00
STN01269 272470 18 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 208.37 34.00
STN01269 272011 18 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 238.00 40.00
STN01269 272812 18 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 428.99 70.00
STN01269 272712 18 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 293.55 50.00
STN01269 272805 18 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 563.82 92.00
STN01269 272352 19 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 451.50 70.00
STN01269 272863 19 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 1277.10 220.00
STN01269 272866 19 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 322.50 50.00
STN01269 272350 19 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 526.32 80.00
STN01269 272279 19 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 245.14 40.00
STN01269 272379 20 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1 901.43 150.00
STN01269 272355 14 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons Own jockey 2 332.18 50.00
STN01269 272169 15 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons Own jockey 2 429.51 60.00
STN01269 272177 15 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons Own jockey 2 645.00 100.00
STN01269 272276 18 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 183.86 90.00 0.00
STN01269 272383 17 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons Own jockey 2 440.00 80.00
STN01269 272750 17 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons Own jockey 2 357.00 60.00
STN01269 271411 18 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons Own jockey 2 460.53 70.00
STN01269 272977 19 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons Own jockey 2 286.34 40.00
STN01269 273088 20 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons Own jockey 2 834.00 120.00
STN01269 272196 18 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 535.50 270.00 185.00
STN01269 271997 18 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 374.85 210.00 0.00
STN01269 272800 17 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 416.50 210.00 0.00
STN01269 272407 17 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 428.99 210.00 0.00
STN01269 272461 17 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 1285.20 720.00 0.00
STN01269 269671 16 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 245.14 120.00 0.00
STN01269 271854 16 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 183.86 90.00 0.00
STN01269 271996 15 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 367.71 180.00 0.00
STN01269 269670 15 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 367.71 180.00 0.00
STN01269 272013 15 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 535.50 270.00 535.50
STN01269 272379 20 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 901.43 450.00 0.00
STN01269 272169 15 Jun 2021 Ranjod .Gary 429.51 210.00 0.00
STN01269 272177 15 Jun 2021 Ranjod .Gary 645.00 350.00 645.00
STN01269 270529 16 Jun 2021 Ranjod .Gary 716.59 385.00 0.00
STN01269 272383 17 Jun 2021 Ranjod .Gary 440.00 280.00 0.00
STN01269 272750 17 Jun 2021 Ranjod .Gary 357.00 180.00 0.00
STN01269 271411 18 Jun 2021 Ranjod .Gary 460.53 245.00 0.00
STN01269 272977 19 Jun 2021 Ranjod .Gary 286.34 140.00 0.00
STN01269 273088 20 Jun 2021 Ranjod .Gary 834.00 420.00 834.00
STN01269 270529 16 Jun 2021 Gary. Patrick and sons Own jockey 2 716.59 110.00
STN01269 272375 16 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 367.71 180.00 0.00
STN01269 271973 16 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 546.21 270.00 0.00
STN01269 267592 16 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 297.50 150.00 0.00
STN01269 272269 15 Jun 2021 Jatinder.Gary 595.00 300.00 0.00
STN0126927066115 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary220.00120.000.00
STN0126927227919 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary245.14120.000.00
STN0126927235019 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary526.32240.000.00
STN0126927235514 Jun 2021Ranjod .Gary332.18175.000.00
STN0126927286619 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary322.50150.000.00
STN0126927286319 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary1277.10660.000.00
STN0126927235219 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary451.50210.00451.50
STN0126927280518 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary563.82276.000.00
STN0126927271218 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary293.55150.000.00
STN0126927281218 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary428.99210.000.00
STN0126927201118 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary238.00120.000.00
STN0126927247018 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary208.37102.000.00
STN0126927226915 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1595.00100.00 
STN0126927201315 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1535.5090.00 
STN0126927066115 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1220.0040.00 
STN0126926967015 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1367.7160.00 
STN0126927199615 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1367.7160.00 
STN0126926759216 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1297.5050.00 
STN0126927197316 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1546.2190.00 
STN0126927237516 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1367.7160.00 
STN0126927185416 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1183.8630.00 
STN0126926967116 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1245.1440.00 
STN0126927246117 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 11285.20240.00 
STN0126927240717 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1428.9970.00 
STN0126927280017 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1416.5070.00 
STN0126927199718 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1374.8570.00 
STN0126927219618 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1535.5090.00 
STN0126927227618 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1183.8630.00 
STN0126927247018 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1208.3734.00 
STN0126927201118 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1238.0040.00 
STN0126927281218 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1428.9970.00 
STN0126927271218 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1293.5550.00 
STN0126927280518 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1563.8292.00 
STN0126927235219 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1451.5070.00 
STN0126927286319 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 11277.10220.00 
STN0126927286619 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1322.5050.00 
STN0126927235019 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1526.3280.00 
STN0126927227919 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1245.1440.00 
STN0126927237920 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons ownJockey 1901.43150.00 
STN0126927235514 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons Own jockey 2332.1850.00 
STN0126927216915 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons Own jockey 2429.5160.00 
STN0126927217715 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons Own jockey 2645.00100.00 
STN0126927227618 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary183.8690.000.00
STN0126927238317 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons Own jockey 2440.0080.00 
STN0126927275017 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons Own jockey 2357.0060.00 
STN0126927141118 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons Own jockey 2460.5370.00 
STN0126927297719 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons Own jockey 2286.3440.00 
STN0126927308820 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons Own jockey 2834.00120.00 
STN0126927219618 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary535.50270.00185.00
STN0126927199718 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary374.85210.000.00
STN0126927280017 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary416.50210.000.00
STN0126927240717 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary428.99210.000.00
STN0126927246117 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary1285.20720.000.00
STN0126926967116 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary245.14120.000.00
STN0126927185416 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary183.8690.000.00
STN0126927199615 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary367.71180.000.00
STN0126926967015 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary367.71180.000.00
STN0126927201315 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary535.50270.00535.50
STN0126927237920 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary901.43450.000.00
STN0126927216915 Jun 2021Ranjod .Gary429.51210.000.00
STN0126927217715 Jun 2021Ranjod .Gary645.00350.00645.00
STN0126927052916 Jun 2021Ranjod .Gary716.59385.000.00
STN0126927238317 Jun 2021Ranjod .Gary440.00280.000.00
STN0126927275017 Jun 2021Ranjod .Gary357.00180.000.00
STN0126927141118 Jun 2021Ranjod .Gary460.53245.000.00
STN0126927297719 Jun 2021Ranjod .Gary286.34140.000.00
STN0126927308820 Jun 2021Ranjod .Gary834.00420.00834.00
STN0126927052916 Jun 2021Gary. Patrick and sons Own jockey 2716.59110.00 
STN0126927237516 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary367.71180.000.00
STN0126927197316 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary546.21270.000.00
STN0126926759216 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary297.50150.000.00
STN0126927226915 Jun 2021Jatinder.Gary595.00300.000.00