Add Job Issue Solution

We left the good outside the house in safe place as per customers authorization.
Customer didn’t accept, we have taken goods back to your Warehouse.
We have left the goods at Customers premises and have asked them to be in touch with the Customer Service.
We have taken the goods to Move My Stuff for Temporary storage and will return to customer when available.
We have taken the goods to Move My Stuff for Temporary storage and we will return the goods to your warehouse at next availability opportunity.
We declined the services based on your contract with us.
We have delivered the extra services based on your contract with us.
We have delivered the extra service & added the extra costs to your bill
We have delivered the extra service & charged the extra bill direct to the customer.
We will be in touch with more updates and a plan to sort the issue out.
Job as booked as COD, but customer said it was invoice, hence we changed it to Invoice to you.
Job was booked as INV but customer paid us Cash.
Customer behaved very inappropriately, but we handled the situation and delivered the items. Just wanted to inform you.
Customer behaved very inappropriately, hence we could not deliver the items.
We were responsible for the damages and we have asked the customer to get in touch with our Customer Care team
We were not responsible as we advised the risks to the customer prior to attempting and got a waiver form signed.
Customer behaved very inappropriately hence we just delivered the goods but did not complete the service and advised customer to contact store
We are not responsible as we believe the damages pre-existed and customer is making false claims.
Other - Please enter detailed notes
Staff advised not to proceed with the delivery as goods are damaged already.
Damages was reported to the staff member and they advised to continue with the delivery.
No staff member was present to show the damages to. I didnt proceed with the delivery, pictures have been taken.
No staff member was present to show the damages to. Delivery was carried as normal, pictures have been taken.
The delivery has been successful, Photos are attached.